Archer One Metaphysics

About Paltalk (PT)

Paltalk is a sophisticated chatroom platform. It supports voice, text, and videocam input. To use Paltalk you must have web access, speakers, a microphone, and keyboard; a cam is optional but not required.

PT Instant Messenger vs. Express

PT has two versions: instant messenger (IM) and express. IM is a free download that installs the chatroom on your computer screen. Express is accessible via the web and does not involve downloading the IM. From our experience, the IM is preferable as it seems more reliable (less subject to crashes, etc.).

Using PT

Using PT involves: 1-A) downloading and installing the IM OR 1-B) accessing the express website; 2) Registering with a screename and password; 3) Logging on; 4) Scrolling the rooms list to find Archer's reading room.

If you have a scheduled reading on PT with Archer, be sure you are familiar with the system prior to your appointment. This means you have downloaded, registered, logged on, and joined a random chatroom to practice the easy-to-use tools of PT.

These steps are precisely outlined below

Downloading and Installing the Instant Messenger (IM)

1: Go to   2: Click the “Download Free” button

3: Select Save if given the option to Run or Save… we save to desktop then run from there….

4: Once saved, click the new icon to run the install.

Registering and Logging On to PT

5: After install, a Paltalk Messenger icon should appear. Click it to enter your username and password and login.

Finding the Archer One Chatroom

6: Upon logging in, 2 dialogue boxes pop up: The Paltalk Messenger console and a “Paltalk Today” window. Close Paltalk Today to reduce screen clutter.

7: On the Paltalk Messenger console, on the top nav bar select Actions > Join a Chat Room. A “rooms list” window will popup.

8: On the Rooms list menu, first you MUST click the family filter to “off” in the top or bottom right hand corner.

9: Then, on Rooms List, look down the left side “Category Browser” list and click on Religion and Spirituality > Metaphysics > Archer One Reads.  This takes you to the Archer One chatroom.

10: Note this room does not appear on the list 24-7, only during times when the room is open and a moderator is present.

Equipment Needed

11: For the best reading, you should have: speakers, a microphone, and a keyboard. You do not have to have a videocam, just speakers to listen. If you want to talk you will need a microphone, otherwise you can keyboard type questions into the room.

Using the Chatroom Controls

3: When you join the room notice the 4 main sections:
A: a large white area in the middle with scrolling text entries
B: below that a much narrower window to type text. Type your text then hit "Send" to post in the room. You can also paste a URL link into the text
C: To the right is a list of nicknames in the room. Archer has a @ symbol by his name. The @ designates the "Admin" who controls activity. If someone is currently speaking on the mic, there is a microphone image by their name. If someone is waiting in line for the mic there is a raised hand by the name. Courtesy protocol is to raise your hand, then when your hand is at the top of the list it is your turn on the mic. Take the mic when the current person on the mic says "Mic free", and the microphone image disappears from their name. "Mic jumping" is bad protocol.
D: Below the list of room participants is a "Raise Hand" button and to it's left a "Push to Talk" button and to it's right a down arrow. Importantly, when it is your turn, push and hold down the down arrow button, NOT the "Push to Talk" button. When you push and hold the down arrow you see an option to Lock Mic On. Click this option with your left mouse button.This allows hands-free use of the mic while speaking. You should see the mic image appear instantly by your name AND the Push to Talk button should light up in green saying "Transmitting". When finished talking, click the Green Transmitting button to drop the mic for the next user..

4: About speaking and listening volume... find 3 buttons to the far left of the Push to Talk button: Mute, a speaker image, and a mic. Normally, set both Speaker button slider and the mic slider all the way up to 10. If that's too loud, listeners can dial down their speaker volumes a bit.

Using PT Express

PT express is a chatroom platform accessed directly from the web without downloading the IM. Express is somewhat less reliable, therefore Archer recommends downloading the IM. You can always try express first and if that doesn't work, then install the IM

Schedule a Reading

For information on the reading calendar and how to schedule, please click here.

Precautions and Disclaimers

Metaphysical readings can be fun and insightful. Some people find them to be accurate and useful. However, the means of metaphysics are not well understood and may be due to a placebo or "belief" effect. No actions should be taken based on a metaphysical reading. People should seek expert professional advice on any matter of concern.

Contact Us

Contact us at: Archer receives a large volume of inquiries and unfortunately cannot answer every question. See also our links and resources page.

Archer one developed the  soulmate compatibility matching system published by
We profile each client using a variety of ancient and modern metaphysical techniques. To learn about readings, click here.